A Love Letter to PIOs

A mailbox with letters inside and hearts around the mailbox

PIO is short for Poised, Informed and On a roll! Okay, technically it stands for Public Information Officer, but we think the former is a bit more accurate. Chances are, if you're reading this, you don't need to be reminded of all the valuable contributions PIOs make on a daily basis. You already know that PIOs are at the forefront of public service, and they provide clear, concise updates that offer reassurance to the community. And if you're like us, you'd like to send them virtual high fives all day long.

Working alongside you all every day, we are profoundly aware of all the grueling hours you and your teams (or just you - we see you small but mighty teams!) put in to share critical information with the public. Your tireless work helps agencies navigate the most difficult of situations. We appreciate you, your go-bags and your go-get-em' attitude!

PIOs must strike a delicate balance between a slew of competing interests: making something mundane seem exceptional, inspiring action when inaction is easier, and engaging with residents who might prefer to not get involved. When it works, it seems effortless to the community, but in reality, planning, strategy sessions, late nights and well-crafted messaging are working overtime. On the flip side, when things go wrong, PIOs are the first to hear about it. This is when plans, strategies and late nights really come into play.

By focusing on transparency, engagement and connection, you truly serve the public good, especially in times of crisis, as we are unfortunately reminded of in the wake of the Los Angeles County fires. While active wildfire seasons shine the light on the critical work PIOs do when it comes to emergency response, it’s important to remember that PIOs are working in the background of cities, water districts and other public agencies day in and day out, even when the world around us isn't aflame.  

It's (always) time to love on PIOs 

As we celebrate love and relationships this month, we want to thank and deeply appreciate the unsung heroes that benefit communities - you! As our Valentine's Day card to all the PIOs in our lives, here is a list of all the sweet little nothings we would have loved to hear when we were PIOs and in-house communicators. A sort of love note for those who send notes to the public, if you will:

  1. “I understand.” – This is what PIOs are trying to do: provide information that people need to know in a way that is easy to understand. This phrase is a simple validation that goes a long way. Imagine we just posted this as part of a social media thread acknowledging that we understand the message you just posted about a new project. You're welcome!

  2.  “Keep it up!” – Burnout is real, especially among high stress jobs like in-house communicators. In your mind's eye, picture us taking the time to show up to a council or board meeting to share this phrase during public comment. We're here making sure that your leadership sees the value in what you do.

  3.  "We're here." – We know that most of our work is about reaching the silent happy majority, so this means a lot. Consider us RSVP'd for your public meeting, avid readers of your newsletters and active members of your social media outreach. These small interactions add up to a sense that communication programs are working, and provide valuable metrics that can make or break asks for additional funding when needed. We're here for it all.

If you are a PIO or local government agency in need of strategic communication support, let us know how we can help! We see you. We understand your world, and we thank you for your service. In short, we ❤️ you.


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